My Awesome Sibling
Hi guys, I know this isn't my usual kind of blog post, but I'm visiting home at the moment and spending some time with my family so I wanted to take the opportunity to write something about my little brother.
There is a huge age gap between me and Archie, people used to often assume I was his mum when I took him out in public by myself (which is so weird). I was an only child up until I was 13 and I never really got to experience life with a sibling throughout my childhood, but watching this little guy grow in my teens was just as good. He's so sweet, well behaved, patient and apparently the polar opposite to what I used to be like when I was a kid... What does that say about me? aha
I think a lot of about when I'm 30, he'll only be 17, but that's okay. The age gap makes no difference to me. I aim to be the big sister I always wanted but never had. Growing up with my parents was difficult at times, like in all cases, but I will be there for him ^.^
He's only been in my life for six years but I couldn't imagine life without him. I love him unconditionally, and there's nothing I am more excited about than watching him grow up.