"Oh You're Doing Film at Uni... That Must Be.. Fun"


The above quote is a common response to when I tell people what I do at University. You can hear their confusion in their voice, just thinking, "Isn't university for academic subjects?".

It's a controversial topic amongst film makers. Some   The majority of people in the film industry will say it's a fine waste of time and money to sit in a lecture room and be TAUGHT how to make films, it's seen more as a, learn by experience thing. 

But I came to uni to study film to educate myself before I made my mark in the industry. First impressions are everything, I want to be fully aware of everything to do with film when I meet my future employers. 

Moving on, I would like to show you guys what I can do with a camera. From fiction to just cute montages to help me savour uni memories, please enjoy :) 

Drawn to Art was my first documentary and I had a great time working with Hannah, the contributor. I study fiction now, but I love the connections and beautiful stories that can shine through in documentary. 

A little montage in the festive season. The reason I make these is not only because I love to look back on them, but for other people too. Everyone that features in the video constantly tell me how lovely they are and how their parents love watching them on Facebook. 

BoyBot- A children's adaptation about a special friendship between a boy and his bot. 

Slice of Betrayal - Film Noir. Now this is part of a weekly challenge that has nothing to do with my degree... We get one week to write, shoot and edit a challenge set by one of my tutors. It's really just to get into the swing of making films on a regular basis and consistently keeping those creative juices flowing. Plus, it really is just great fun. 

Danger in the Night- Horror Trailer. Part of the weekly challenge, we put our own spin on the classic horror trailer. 

Have a watch and tell me what you think!

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